Is electric fence a good a deterrent?

Electrified fencing is an excellent deterrent! It has physical pain factor as well as visual deterant keeping criminals out.

What if someone places something like a blanket over the electric fence to climb over it?

The electric fence is designed so that the wires will be shorted out when touching each other.  This will trigger the Siren/Alarm and the Strobe Light will also be activated thus warning you of potential perimeter intrusion.

What about my pets?

Cats can detect the magnetic field and would not normally approach the electric fence. Dogs will not normally touch a second time should they have had an initial shock!

Is it necessary to connect the electrified fence to my Alarm company?

EFI can connect your electric fence to your Alarm company. there is a definite advantage in doing so.

What would happen if the electric fence wires are cut?

It is very difficult to cut the wires without being shocked. Should this happen, the alarm will sound and the strobe light will go off warning you of a possible intrusion.

How powerful is the electric fence?

The maximum voltage ,by law is 10,000 volts. The average setting on the energiser is between 7,000 and 11,000 volts to allow for fluctuations. This is more than sufficient to deliver a painful shock.

Will my monthly electricity account increase?

The Energiser pulses the voltage to the electric fence so it uses very little power.  Roughly 1 unit for every 50 hours.

What happens during a power failure?

Our Energisers have a battery back-up which will keep the electric fence fully powered for 6 – 8 hours.

Do branches and foliage have an effect on the electric fence?

Yes, foliage touching the electric wires drain the power to earth.  Always keep your electric fence wires free from foliage.

Do I only switch on the fence when I go out, or at night time?

No,  Always keep your Electrified Fence on day and night. It is there to keep out intruders every day of the year.

Will it hurt my children?

No.  The electrical current pulses through the wires at 1 second intervals. If child or adult touch the fence the immediate reaction is to pull away after the shock. If the currant was continually “live” you would not be able to let go.  This is the legislation for safety


Electric fencing has proven itself to be a highly effective deterrent against criminals by not only providing a physical security.

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